How to pay Import Taxes
Payment of import taxes is a vital part in the completion of customs clearance. The fastest way to arrange payment is through a deferment account. We can advise you on how to apply for your own account, or we can offer to arrange this payment through our own account. As a backup, we also have a flexible accounting system (FAS) account where a direct transfer can be made to HMRC, should your deferment account blow within a given month.
Our CFSP authorisation will also enable you to access simplified import clearance, by breaking down the clearance process. This is especially useful if you are unable to get us all the paperwork we need to complete the import entry before the goods arrive in the UK. It will also mean you can defer your import declarations for the first 6 months of 2021* which involves us creating an entry in declarant’s records (EIDR) on your behalf in our specialised customs software.
*excludes controlled goods such as those subject to excise duty
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